Fellow Electoion Procedure, For OARS 2023

The election procedure

The application window opens only once each year. Doctorates and Doctors of Literature can apply online through any accredited organization. They will be asked to submit a complete set of their academic records, including links to their published research. OARS will verify, grade, and certify them, and if found eligible, the registrar will broadcast the profile to our pre-existing fellow members. After this, the Fellow Election Procedure will start according to our Charter, Byelaws, and Standing Orders.

The new Fellows are elected yearly to provide new energy and vigor to the Open Association of Research Society. The election process is, therefore, crucial to the well-being and standing of the Society; it involves a considerable amount of work by many Fellows.

This document explains the comprehensive and rigorous online procedure by which their work is carried out.

Nomination (October-November)

Each candidate for the Fellowship or Foreign Membership is usually nominated by Fellows of the Society, who sign a digital certificate of the proposal on the OARS website. The certificate includes a statement of the principal grounds on which the proposal is being made. To ensure a thorough nomination process, each candidate's accomplishments, impact, and potential contributions to the Society are assessed. The Society must receive all completed digital certificates of the proposal by the annual closing date of November 30. There is no limit to how many candidates may be proposed or seconded by a Fellow.

Candidate Eligibility Verification (December)

Once nominated, candidates remain eligible for election for seven years. If not elected within this period, an individual may be proposed as a candidate again after a break of three years and then remains eligible for election for three years. This three-year cycle may be repeated without limit. During this month, the OARS staff will verify the eligibility of nominated candidates, ensuring that they have a consistent record of excellence in their respective fields and have made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge.

Peer Review and Ranking (January-February)

The Council of the Society oversees the selection process of the 44 strongest candidates for election for the Fellowship and the eight strongest candidates for the Foreign Membership in that year's cycle. Ten subject area committees, known as Sectional Committees, are appointed to advise the Council about selecting this list. Each candidate's nomination materials are reviewed and ranked by these committees through an online platform. The committees take into account the candidates' achievements, potential impact on the Society, and alignment with OARS' objectives. The peer-review process is meticulous, with multiple rounds of evaluation and discussion among the committee members to ensure that the most deserving candidates are shortlisted.

External Referee Evaluation (February-March)

In addition to the internal ranking, external referees are consulted to provide an unbiased evaluation of the shortlisted candidates. Referees are chosen based on their expertise in the respective fields and are asked to provide detailed assessments of the candidates' achievements and potential contributions to the Society. This additional layer of evaluation further strengthens the rigor of the election process.

Voting by Existing Fellows (March)

The final list of candidates, with their rankings, is confirmed by the Council at its March meeting and is then circulated as a digital ballot sheet to all Fellows. Fellows can cast their votes online via a secure voting platform during this month. To ensure an informed voting process, Fellows have access to the candidates' nomination materials, internal rankings, and external referee evaluations.

Election Results Announcement (April)

The election results are announced during the first week of April. A candidate is elected if they secure two-thirds of the votes. Candidates do not attend the announcement event. This high thresholdfor election ensures that only the most exceptional candidates become Fellows of the Society. The names of the elected Fellows, Foreign Members, and Honorary Fellows are posted on the OARS website and shared with the OARS community.

New Fellow Orientation and Onboarding (May-June)

Newly elected Fellows are invited to participate in an online orientation program that introduces them to the Society's mission, ongoing projects, and opportunities for collaboration. During this period, they are encouraged to engage with existing Fellows and participate in online discussions and forums. This onboarding process enables the new Fellows to integrate seamlessly into the Society and helps them understand how they can contribute to OARS' objectives.

Formal Admission Ceremony (July)

New Fellows are formally admitted to the Society at the Admissions Day ceremony in July, which may take place virtually or in-person, depending on the circumstances. During the ceremony, new Fellows sign the digital Charter Book and the Obligation of the Society's Fellows. This event is an opportunity to celebrate their achievements and welcome them to the OARS community.

In conclusion, the Fellow Election Procedure of the Open Association of Research Society (OARS) is a highly rigorous and thorough process, involving multiple layers of evaluation, peer review, and external referee assessments. This ensures that only the most exceptional and deserving candidates become Fellows of the Society, upholding the prestigious reputation and standards of the OARS. By adopting an online platform for the entire election process, OARS has made the procedure more accessible, efficient, and secure for all participants, while maintaining its strict commitment to academic and research excellence.