Commandments to approach and multiply your prospective readers that will help in increasing citation
Modern technology boosts the demands of everyone including readers and following social media sites are playing vital role in elevating and raising the demand. We suggest you to place your article in any or all from the following which will directly reach to viewers/readers which will enable increase readership in manifold.
1. Contribute to Wikipedia
Wikipedia is the most favorable site which is being viewed by readers at the beginning and if you create and place your article themes, subjects or research that your article covers there, no doubt it will attract everyone.
2. Join Twitter
Twitting is the most popular way of 2way communicating and is being used by famous celebrities such as film stars, cricketers, and politicians etc. to exchange their views on any subject. Now-a- days, authors are also publicizing their articles which are being utilized by entire researchers’ community. Twittering can be restricted to selected people as well as it can be spread throughout the world. People are very eager to receive your content and exchange their view. Once you put your article/text here, you will continuously get feedback from readers worldwide.
3. Uploading lectures to YouTube

This technology is not confined to text or statistics but it is an advanced technology by which you can attract interest of the people/prospective customers by showing videos of your journal articles’ research subject.
4. Start blogging

This technology helps when you are facing indecisiveness/ inconclusiveness regarding subject to be written
Just link your text/research article to your blog including followings
Details of the meetings/seminars where you are
planning to give a lecture.
The inspiring questions faced and answered by you during last seminar.
Your opinion about reportage about your subject in print/public/publication media
Seek opinion/feedback/suggestions from all the entire researchers’ society.
The search engine accommodates whatever extent you write and results its pages viewed by researchers who are searching for it – specifically when they are increasingly using Google Scholar.
5. Join academic social networking sites

Now-a-days researchers, professors, lecturers and other professionals are joining academic social networking sites to interact with each other and get online feedback/viewpoints/suggestions from their counterparts having same research interest. These sites offer to monitor what other people are looking at in your field of research or as a way to commission papers very quickly.
6. Create your own website

Presently, it is very common to have our own website. Every student, petty shopkeeper/professional has their own website. You can create one if you do not have.
7. Utilize social bookmarking with CiteULike

This site is offered free of cost and acts as a personal library [and automatically extracts the citation details] where you can store all the research articles liked by you without using any special software. You can use as and when you like from anywhere in the world by simply having a computer with internet facility
8. Join Methodspace

Methodspace is a system where researcher can interacts with his counterparts, discusses on process and its problems, finds out remedy, ascertains related seminars/meetings exchange views and eliminates hurdles.
9. Join LinkedIn

It is a group of experts containing 200 million members across the world and once profile is created, it helps researchers to reach to new horizon of audience
10. Join Facebook

Facebook has become most popular & commonly used and is ever increasing social site by which one can interact with any number of known and unknown people related to their school/college/workplace and exchange all the information, experience, photographs. Groups can also be created as per our choice of persons/field.
Maximize Referencing
Sometimes researcher includes other researcher’s work in his publication work, it is known as citation. This helps in evaluating and quantifying the approved usage of the cited work.
In order to ascertain the influence of any researchers’ publication, authors are using citation as maximum possible. As the number of citation increases, the publication becomes more important and valuable. It is a motivating factor for author. Here are more ways to maximize citation of your article.
• Find out which journal is popular in your field and publish your article in it.
• Select the journal having which is indexed by most of the important organizations.
• Select such a journal which is growing fast as they maintain very little gap between submission and acceptance.
• Reviews are preferred for citation in comparison with original research paper and hence insist on writing review
• Your work should be easily accessible to others
• Be honest and sincere in writing and select always innovative/popular problems for publishing.
• Select the name of your article which should be eye catcher
• Do not forget to include terms and keywords in the abstract. Use Google’s “Keyword Tool” to research on keywords.
• As the keywords are the words that academics use to reveal the internal of an author’s reasoning, it should be used carefully to make out correct meaning
• Share your documents, data and statistics
• Prior and proper information regarding next articles or similar articles meant for media organization may please be given.
• Your article should be easily accessible. Prefer “Open Access Publishing”.
• Always try to interact people with the help of emails
• Use blogs, forums and podcasts to influence on-going researcher discussion on the Internet.
• Register on CiteULike and Connotea.
• Be popular in your society
• Promote your article
• Attend seminars and conferences
• Evaluate/Judge/Review journal papers and if possible become a part of editorial board.
• Join hands with a prominent guest editor and publish your article in special issue.
• Participate with authors in publishing
• Publish your article with institute or relevant subject source
• Advertise your name and provide link your email signature to your recent article
• In case, you are writing in the language other than your mother tongue/1st language, always take assistance to avoid wrong impact
Please note
• Citation may not take place for all the research publication. E.g. seminar outcomes may not be covered
• Mostly articles like editorials, letters to editors, news items, meeting abstracts, and case studies are usually exempted in citation
• More frequent citation is not the yardstick to measure quality but it reflects the number of interested researchers
• There may be partiality in citation English paper/text/article may be more cited then that of other language
• There may be variance in citation level of research field/within specific field and related applied research.
• Rating of self-citation and among other research group member may be analyzed. As self- citing may be unlimited of securing better quality content, it is advisable to maximize coordination with research society.
Actions to be taken by authors to make their article more search engine friendly
In the present computer era, all researchers are taking 1st step to search research paper with the help of Google/Google Scholar. You should ensure by taking simple steps that search engine easily points out your research paper. This will boost up reading your research text with maximum citation of other people of your research community.
Title of an Article
Title should be effective which should reflect idea of the exact contents.
In order to achieve highest number of results, your abstract should be properly written
As the viewing of journals in “Open Access Publishing” is freely accessible on line for all, people firstly look at the abstract, hence the same should be attractive and eye-catcher with brief information. Finding suitable 3-4 keywords needs perfect imagination of the requirement of researcher.
Now-a-days, universities, governments and funding bodies taking their important decisions after analyzing Quantitative metrics and trying to find ways of making their hiring, funding and investment decisions according to this measurable criteria. It indicates the exact quality and importance of published paper.
We always offer our backing to journal editors and publishers and try to multiply their citation in manifolds without effecting adversely on quality. More precisely, we provide marketing and online services which are developed with a view to increase citations integral to their design. While analyzing strategies to increase the citation performance of your journal, it is advisable to take following into account:
- Solicit papers from highly-cited authors
• The highly cited authors get frequent opportunity to get their articles published.
- Recognize highly-cited papers in your journal and related titles
• Concentrate on highly cited articles. If required obtain a list of highly cited articles from editors.
- Isolate zero-cited papers
• Do not waste your time/energy on ‘nil’ cited articles as it is fruitless.
- Review articles
• If you want to fetch maximum readers and citations try to review articles comprehensive. A review editor can be employed to serve the purpose.
- Special issues
• Theme based or special articles have more demand it can draw attention and increase citation
- Speed of publising
• Minimizing process time and expediting publication of highly demanded papers with proper presentation will surely increase citations.
- eJournals
• In order to get earlier citation, it is suggested to get released on online electronic version before printing