Basic Info

Dr. Albrecht Classen
Fellow Member
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), German Language and Literature, University of Arizona, University of Virginia


University of Arizona, University of Virginia


Humanities and Social Science

Currently working as



German Studies

Work Exp.

36 Years

Educational Journey

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), German Language and Literature


  • German Language and Literature

Notable Publications

Published On: 05 October 2019
The Crisis of Spirituality in the Late Middle Ages: From the Twelfth Century to the Protestant Reformation; with an Emphasis on the Reformatio Sigismundi (1439)
The Protestant Reformation was not, as previous scholars have already pointed out numerous times, a sudden and unexpected development. Instead, it represented the outcome of a long-term paradigm shift. This paper examines the larger literary framework and then focuses on one of the crucial texts from the late Middle Ages where most of the ideas as formulated by Luther in 1517 and later were already expressed in more or less the same way. The loss of spirituality is commonly identified as one of the central concerns, both already in the high Middle Ages and here in the Reformatio Sigismundi.


1. The Autobiographical Voice of Thomas Hoccleve
2. Vom Sangspruch zum Meisterlied. Untersuchungen zu einem literarischen Traditionszusammenhang auf der Grundlage der Kolmarer Liederhandschrift
3. Reading, Writing, and Learning in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival
4. The German Volksbuch
5. Time, Space, and Travel in the Pre-Modern World: Theoretical and Historical Reflections. An Introduction
6. Female Agency and Power in Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan: The Irish Queen Isolde: New Perspectives

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